Consisting of talented students, both in academic and non-academic, our members have a lot of accomplishment during the term of duty as the Campus Ambassador of Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. 

“The key of success is to focus our conscious mind on the things we want, not the things we fear.” – Brian Tracy


Rahmad Tri Putra

Founder Duta Remaja Sulawesi Selatan

Hani Siti Hajar

The Winner Putri Inspirasi Indonesia 2022

Wisnu Ekapaksi

Wisudawan Terbaik PS Perancangan Jalan & Jembatan 2023

M. Umar Ibrahim

Wisudawan Terbaik Program Studi MICE 2023

Nur Shiva

Wisudawati Terbaik Administrasi Niaga 2023

Evan Reagen Colin

Runner Up 2 Duta Pariwisata Indonesia 2023

Naela Marcelina

Mpok Kreatif Parekraf Depok 2023

Fidia N. Afifah

Juara 1 PC Fest 2023 Kategori Penampilan News Anchor

Arsitta Dwi Pramesti

Juara 1 PC Fest 2023 Kategori Artikulasi News Anchor

Kandias Kusnadi

2024 APEC Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Training (ASSET)

Fahri Ramadhan

Awardee IISMA 2023 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Farah Fadhila Safitri Baay

Awardee IISMA 2023 Deagu Catholic University

Amella Zainah Mustofa

Awardee IISMA 2024 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
